2024-08-27 13:44:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith
Another one from my big daily notes cleanup. Again this feels like something that has undoubtably been thought about to death in philosophy circles, and there’s probably loads of famous sheet wearing ancient greeks that have been there done that got the tshirt so to speak. But anyway perhaps it’s interesting to consider in a modern AI + crypto + the world wide web context.
- Surely eventually AI tools will be so powerful that people will use them to control societies, taking people’s entire lives and turning them into a sort of game.
- And they will get very annoyed if said person decides to become a developer because in their eyes, they will think they have to create whatever the developer wants to build before the developer tries to build it.
- And as soon as the developer decides to build in a way that the super developer didn’t anticipate they will blame the regular developer.
- And isn’t society a sort of game, so what does that tell us about how we should design our societies?
Perhaps some philo geeks can jump in to set me straight, even though my reasoning is clearly flawless.