The return of number go up
2023-06-22 06:55:00 +0700 by Mark Smith
Bitcoin Breaks $28K for the First Time Since May - A flurry of activity in the crypto space has raised the price above $28k, up from 22k in just a few days. It appears to be in response to the world's largest asset management firm Blackrock's announcement of the first Bitcoin ETF, which would open up the possibility of investing to many that previously would not have been able to. Previous to this, it had been a slow and steady decline in price, which appeared to be following the general sentiment that the economy is heading into a deflationary period. This comes at the same time as US regulators have been charging big crypto exchanges for handling unregistered securities, and prominent TradFi figure John Stark has been straightup advising folks to 'get out of crypto' because of the storm brewing and major podcasters in the space are predicting big regulatory headwinds. Nevertheless at least for now, it's the return of number go up.
I thought the graphs were pretty interesting given all the background. Here they are: