
Description of my freelance services

The consultancy service is very straight forward, it covers discussions about web applications and automation/workflow systems, and is delivered via video conferencing. It is customizable to the clients needs but generally covers architecture, building and deployment as well as things like efficient setup of developer environments.

The infrastructure service deliverable is a running cloud based system ready for NodeJS web application deployment. There are lot of tweaks necessary over and above the vanilla Ubuntu install that your cloud provider offers, such as machine access, cloud provider environment setup, firewall rules, logs, 3rd party applications installation and configuration, user accounts, aliases, SSL certificates, cron jobs to name a few. This services covers all these and does it at 3 complexity levels depending on the size of your installation.

The maintenance service is aimed at maintenance and support of a web application infrastructure. It should be used for upgrades, improvements and customizations to an existing infrastructure.

The development service covers the development of NodeJS based web applications and could cover any type of application. It also covers the development of software based automation and workflows. I recommend doing some consultancy services sessions first to determine the application specifics before starting a development services engagement.

The custom training service covers the creation and delivery of custom training on web development and automation/workflow design and implementation. These can be made according to customer needs, could involve a systems discovery and consulting phase, and delivered either onsite or remotely via video conferencing tools. Other training topics might be possible.

The writing service is aimed at internet publications that wish to create content for their websites. It could cover any aspects of web development and automation/workflow development, and might be in the form of a tutorial or perhaps an essay expressing an opinion on a particular aspect of modern technology. The details could be fleshed out via a short consultancy service.

If you are considering using NodeJS for the first time you might find it useful to read about the reasons to choose NodeJS for creating your backend systems.

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.