Max Hillebrand economics book recommendations
2024-04-23 09:15:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith
These books were recommended by Max Hillebrand on the Economics of Bitcoin panel @ Cheatcode 2024 conference.
Fundamentals on theory of economics, how to think like an economist:
- Theory and History by Ludwig Von Mises
- Economic Science and the Austrian Method by Hans Hermann Hoppe
End result of thinking like an economist:
- Man, Economy and State by Mary Rothbard
Thinking like an economist about money and what it actually means:
- The Ethics of Money Production by Yurk Hultzman
Most insanely accurate and logically consistent book about the economics of Bitcoin:
- Crypto Economics On the Fundamental Principles of Bitcoin by Eric Voscule
I thought the panel discussion was really enlightening so I'm listing the books here. Hopefully at some stage I'll have the chance to het hold of these and read them. #