
Rudimentary backup of our civilization

2024-07-16 14:42:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith

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The chances are still unfortunately very high that our civilisation is going to destroy itself in some way. We need a rudimentary backup.

Recently I’ve been hearing multiple people mention the Tesla Roadster than Elon put up into space a while back. It’s in some crazy orbit near Mars or something. I wonder whether we shouldn’t try to expand on this idea, and put the equivalent of a space pyramid up there in orbit. Something that would be there for several billions of years.

That way any future civilisation that rises from the ashes of ours, that reached the same level of technology as us now, would at least know life existed previously on Earth / in the solar system a long time ago, even if there is still no sign of life anywhere else. That would be very useful to know.

Of course it would need to be much bigger than a car, probably something more like a football field, in order for it to be easily findable by telescopes.

I would guess that the fact that there is no such thing in our solar system, suggests strongly that we are the most advanced civilisation that has ever existed orbiting this star. That in itself is an interesting thought. It’s quite a responsability.


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