

2024-09-28 06:50:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith

cat << EOF

Another political minimal app.

Perhaps we are all waiting for those that are in the shit to get out of the shit. Perhaps it’s gotten to the stage where we’re really hoping that they get out of the shit because it’s starting to affect us who are not in the shit.

The problem is though that some of them really love being in the shit. They think it’s the best thing ever. And some others of them pretend to love being in the shit, but are actually secretly in Champagne.

They’ve turned being in the shit into an entire ideology. Merdeism if you will.

IANAL, and remember even min apps have edge cases.

Yes, I know IANAL is amusing in this context. But is it really, or are you just being a merdeist?

Note: Merde is french for shit.


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