
Be the change you want to see in the world

2025-01-03 13:25:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith

Instead of constantly complaining about evil billionaires taking over the world, from the side lines, why don’t you build something yourself, use your platform and influence to support open protocols, be part of the solution, be the change you want to see in the world. Then tell us what you learnt when you fail miserably. Then do it again, and again and again. Until you succeed.

Just an idea. If your worldview is so much fucking better, so obviously superior to all other ways, in an age where practically anyone can start a project from their mobile phone, why have you got nothing but your own wingeing? How about you spark joy?

Nostr, ActivityPub, AT, RSS, there are many to choose from. They all could do with your voice, attention, promotion and support. #

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