Pressure cooker world
2025-01-08 15:00:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith
Just listened to this recent Eurodollar University pod this morning. It appears pressure cooker analogies are trending [02:19]:
Jeff Snider: It’s looking like things are really starting to really break here. Where it’s putting pressure on, not just China, but all of these other places around the world.
Brent Johnson: [...] I kind of feel like we are at a point with the dollar where everything is just kind of simmering. It’s like the pot, and it’s bubbling and bubbling, and if the dollar doesn’t turn lower soon then the lid is going to blow off the pot.
Jeff Snider: I think that’s the way I look at it. We have all these places that have enormous problems to begin with. Then the dollar comes along and it’s just one more thing too many. So you have Korea, as you mentioned, Syria, there’s a bunch of other ones, Brazil is another one. [...] Brazil’s Real has just uterly crashed causing all sorts financial chaos.
It’s not that the dollar caused it, but the dollar was like a pressure cooker, turning up the pressure so much that it leads to all of these other negative consequences. They don’t just showup, but it seems like they just showup if you are not really paying attention to what is going on.
I can confirm that here in Vietnam most days feel like pressure cooker days in one way or another. Everything ends up being just one thing too many. It’s non stop some days. It’s happening right now as I write this. It’s been happening all morning!
And some people really like the pressure cooker. In fact a big contingent actively use the pressure cooker as leverage to control others. Their lives are simple enough that the pressure cooker doesn’t affect them as much.
Still looks like I managed to write this post anyway :) #