
Something is very wrong with open source

2025-01-12 09:06:00 +07:00 by Mark Smith

All this open source craziness has me thinking about my plans.

Mullenweg is perhaps the most successful open source dev ever and look how many issues he’s having. How would I even stand the tiniest chance in hell developing everything with my fucking ipod touch while everyone else is using AI laptops from the year 3000.

Sometimes "communities" really fucking suck. And that’s not even considering my current living arrangement if it can even be described as that, or my last 10+ years of forced war of attrition led development.

Which isn’t to say that there aren’t people doing good things, but net-net, it isn’t working.

Open source is not just impossible. It’s impossible to the power of impossible. And that’s not even fully describing it. Yet somehow it works for some.

Something is very very wrong in the universe. #

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