
2013/06/30 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/29 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/27 #

Today’s links:

  • The Art Of Punk - Crass - The Art of Dave King and Gee Vaucher - Art + #

  • Edward Snowden: Can a refrigerator function as a Faraday Cage? #

  • This 4 Minute Video of GoPro Footage Prove Humans Are So #

  • This 90-Year-Old Grandma Freaking Out Over the Oculus Rift VR Goggles Is What Makes Technology #

  • This Guy Can't Stand Up Straight While Using the Oculus #

2013/06/26 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/16 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/12 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/11 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/09 #

Today’s links:

2013/06/07 #

Today’s links:

  • Are coders worth it? In today’s world, web developers have it all: money, perks, freedom, respect. But is there value in what we do? #

  • Mike Arrington: Triangulating On Truth - The Totalitarian #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.