OSXDefaults - macOS Default Values Command Referencegithub.com #
2015/12/31 #
Today’s links:
2015/12/29 #
Today’s links:
Mac OS X Automation Workshop (1 of 2)www.youtube.com #
Unix / Linux Bourne / Bash Shell Scripting Tutorialsteve-parker.org #
2015/12/27 #
Today’s links:
OS X Mavericks - Using Apple's hidden Wi-Fi Diagnostics toolwww.computerworld.com #
2015/12/26 #
Today’s links:
freelan - A peer-to-peer, secure, easy-to-setup, multi-platform, open-source, highly-configurable VPN softwaregithub.com #
2015/12/24 #
Today’s links:
Is there any way to save Mac OS X preferences into a shell file?apple.stackexchange.com #
Why would I want my dotfiles on GitHub?dotfiles.github.io #
How I Fully Automated OS X Provisioning With Ansibleil.luminat.us #
2015/12/23 #
Today’s links:
Shell Scripting Cheat Sheet for Unix and Linuxsteve-parker.org #
Unix/Linux shell script reference pagealvinalexander.com #
Bourne Shell Tutorialwww.grymoire.com #
Mac OS X - Finding Where Settings Are Storedwww.westwind.com #
Top 20 OS X command-line secrets for power userswww.infoworld.com #
Command Line Mac - Defaults - setting preferences from the command linecommandlinemac.blogspot.cz #
Manually backup and restore a User Home Folderhints.macworld.com #
2015/12/21 #
Today’s links:
How to fix deep formatting problems with OS X driveswebcache.googleusercontent.com #
2015/12/20 #
Today’s links:
12 Common CSS Mistakes Web Developers Makesixrevisions.com #
Prepros - Server with built in pre-processors for front-end developmentprepros.io #
Codekit - steroids for web developers that are cool, does all the thingsincident57.com #
Harp - The static web server with built-in preprocessingharpjs.com #
Hammer - tool for front-end development with pre-processorshammerformac.com #
Box Sizingcss-tricks.com #
ShiftIt - Managing window size and position in OSXgithub.com #
Manage your Mac Apps with homebrew-caskwww.rocu.de #
2015/12/19 #
Today’s links:
The Great Shenzhen Cellphone Parts Exchangewww.vagabondjourney.com #
Here’s What Craiova, The Best Romanian City You Probably Haven’t Heard Of Looks Likefoxnomad.com #
Develop Faster with iTerm Profiles and Window Arrangementschris-schmitz.com #
2015/12/18 #
Today’s links:
youtube-dl - download videos from youtube.com or other video platformsgithub.com #
2015/12/17 #
Today’s links:
Responsive Web Design with DevTools' Device Modeblog.chromium.org #
HTML5 and CSS3 Responsive design with media querieswww.youtube.com #
2015/12/15 #
Today’s links:
Adding documentations to DevDocsgithub.com #
Chrome Platform Status - feature support and usage metricswww.chromestatus.com #
Why I'm Excited About Native CSS Variablesphilipwalton.com #
Why Progressive Web Apps Are The Future Of Web Developmentarc.applause.com #
Labella.js - Labels should be beautifultwitter.github.io #
2015/12/14 #
Today’s links:
Bootstrap Tutorial – Creating a Responsive Navbarbootstrapbay.com #
Some Landing Page Design Examplesblog.hubspot.com #
Bootstrap UI Kitsbootstrapbay.com #
react-bootstrap - The most popular front-end framework, rebuilt for Reactreact-bootstrap.github.io #
Sass Basicssass-lang.com #
2015/12/11 #
Today’s links:
An Introduction to IoT with Arduino, Node and a Plantditrospecta.com #
Convert Image to ASCII Art with Node.jsdavidwalsh.name #
Chalk - Terminal string styling done rightgithub.com #
A Reunited Node.js Guns for the Enterprisethenewstack.io #
2015/12/10 #
Today’s links:
Building realtime collaborative offline-first apps with React, Redux, PouchDB and WebSocketsblog.yld.io #
Finding Your Passionwww.thebrokebackpacker.com #
11 Remarkably Useful Chrome Extensions For Travelerstoomanyadapters.com #
2015/12/09 #
Today’s links:
Website Due Diligence: The Best Resourceswiredinvestors.com #
2015/12/08 #
Today’s links:
The Linguistics of 'YouTube Voice' - Investigating the reason popular YouTubers sound similarwww.theatlantic.com #
Vim Tutorial and advanced featureswww.yolinux.com #
2015/12/07 #
Today’s links:
reagent - JavaScript Testing utilities for Reactgithub.com #
How to Build a Todo App Using React, Redux, and Immutable.jswww.sitepoint.com #
Moving Bugsnag's front-end to Reactbugsnag.com #
React-snowstorm - A Snow Effect component for Reactburakcan.github.io #
2015/12/06 #
Today’s links:
Animating Your Brand - Adding Animations to your Style Guide24ways.org #
24 ways is the advent calendar for web geeks24ways.org #
Creating an isomorphic app with React24ways.org #
You Are Beautifulwww.swiss-miss.com #
2015/12/04 #
Today’s links:
nodeadmin - fantastically elegant interface for MySQL and Node.js/Express managementgithub.com #
10 Least Visited Countries in the Worldwww.wildjunket.com #
Why the GPL is not free - Interesting post and comments discussion about GPL vs BSD type licensesnoordering.wordpress.com #
The official Vim repositorygithub.com #
License of Vim, Version 6.1 or laterwww.gnu.org #
Neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agilitygithub.com #
Bram Moolenaar on Neovimgroups.google.com #
Mirror of GNU Emacsgithub.com #
2015/12/02 #
Today’s links:
The practicalities of moving to a remote cabin in Alaskawww.theplaidzebra.com #
Geoarbitrage living in Sarajevowww.brainstormeveryday.com #
Why You Should Choose Malta as a Digital Nomad Hotspot in Winterwww.breathingtravel.com #
rcm - management suite for dotfilesgithub.com #
Tmuxinator - Create and manage tmux sessions easilygithub.com #
2015/12/01 #
Today’s links:
vim-plug - Minimalist Vim Plugin Managergithub.com #
Interesting discussion about React licenses for the Wordpress Calypso projectgithub.com #
vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as airgithub.com #
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwellwww.highexistence.com #