2016/05/31 #
Today’s links:
Bob Haircuts for Fine Hair, Long and Short Bob Hairstyles on TRHstherighthairstyles.com #
Cryingwww.robinwe.is #
2016/05/30 #
Today’s links:
This Startup Is Renaming Every Place On Earthwww.fastcodesign.com #
The unending quest of the Hoax Slayerkernelmag.dailydot.com #
Can't Shake It Off - How Taylor Swift Became a Nazi Idolbroadly.vice.com #
First Rule Of Elks Club Is - Tell All Your Friends About Elks Clubwww.buzzfeed.com #
Human obsolescence - Are we ready for an artificially intelligent future?techcrunch.com #
The Photographer's Ephemeris - TPE for Desktopphotoephemeris.com #
Can a "Cityhenge" Happen in Your City at Sunset?space.gizmodo.com #
2016/05/29 #
Today’s links:
Building a Visual Languageairbnb.design #
Daily Show Offers Advice to Clinton - Be Our Bosswww.vulture.com #
2016/05/28 #
Today’s links:
How to use AWS API Gateway to expose AWS DynamoDB database backendm.youtube.com #
Should the UK Leave the EU? The Best Arguments For and Against Brexitwww.lifehacker.co.uk #
Thinking in Reactfacebook.github.io #
2016/05/27 #
Today’s links:
Peter Thiel, Tech Billionaire, Reveals Secret War With Gawkermobile.nytimes.com #
The Four Capitals of Thailandblogs.transparent.com #
2016/05/25 #
Today’s links:
I actually just took the leap and bought an Acer C720 as my dev machine for when I'm on the movenews.ycombinator.com #
Best place to stay in Bangkok?nomadforum.io #
Webpack - The Confusing Partsmedium.com #
Your Timeline for Learning Reactdaveceddia.com #
2016/05/24 #
Today’s links:
Important updates to the Estonia e-Residency programnomadcapitalist.com #
2016/05/22 #
Today’s links:
Motorola's Legendary RAZR Flip Phone Is Making a Comebackhardware.slashdot.org #
How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind - from a Former Insidermedium.com #
Choose life, choose Leith - alternative Edinburgh celebrates Trainspotting 2www.theguardian.com #
Satan's Credit Card - What The Mark Of The Beast Taught Me About The Future Of Moneywww.buzzfeed.com #
2016/05/21 #
Today’s links:
Bits of me - How close does personalized online advertising get to us as our real persons?www.schirn.de #
16 Vital Typography Terms To Learn To Start Enhancing Your Designs "Invisibly"trydesignlab.com #
Louie Simmons - What a Gym REALLY Needswww.deepsquatter.com #
Introduction to Thung Songlostbearings.wordpress.com #
How To Choose The Right Font For Your Designtrydesignlab.com #
2016/05/20 #
Today’s links:
Introducing Lever OS - open-source serverless platformblog.leveros.com #
Reactive Web Stack - 3RES - React, Redux, RethinkDB, Express, Socket.iowebapplog.com #
expressa - data-driven extendable API middleware for Node.js/Expressgithub.com #
panther - Discover artists through an infinite node graphgithub.com #
S(GH)PA - The Single-Page App Hack for GitHub Pageswww.backalleycoder.com #
react-boilerplate - A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best DX and a focus on performance and best practicesgithub.com #
2016/05/17 #
Today’s links:
Couple Spends 8 Years Living the Van Life & Backpacking Around the Worldwww.youtube.com #
Too Old for a Working Holiday Visa? Travel Opportunities For All Agesglobal-goose.com #
Soon We Won’t Program Computers - We’ll Train Them Like Dogswww.wired.com #
Songkhla travel guidewikitravel.org #
2016/05/16 #
Today’s links:
8 Things to do in HatYaiwanderlustdjournal.com #
Adding SASS Support to Webpackshellmonger.com #
Setting up environment for React, SASS, ES2015, Babel with Webpackmedium.com #
2016/05/15 #
Today’s links:
Panama Papers - John Doe's Manifestopanamapapers.sueddeutsche.de #
Overland from Singapore to Bangkoklive-less-ordinary.com #
2016/05/13 #
Today’s links:
Buses From Kuala Lumpur to Ipohwww.catchthatbus.com #
2016/05/12 #
Today’s links:
Thailand Travel Tipswww.nomadicmatt.com #
2016/05/10 #
Today’s links:
ICIJ Offshore Leaks Databaseoffshoreleaks.icij.org #
Panasonic says it’s created the world’s best weather modelwww.slate.com #
The hottest trend in Web design is making intentionally ugly, difficult siteswww.washingtonpost.com #
The Web 1.0 Conferencewebsiteconf.neocities.org #
The counterintuitive, GIF-tastic plan to redeem the modern Internetwww.washingtonpost.com #
Brutalist Websitesbrutalistwebsites.com #
The Most Trusted Voice in Musicpitchfork.com #
Caveman - "Never Going Back" (Official Music Video)www.youtube.com #
15 Facts About Our National Mammal - The American Bisonwww.doi.gov #
2016/05/07 #
Today’s links:
The View From My Window - Brusselswww.vagabondjourney.com #
2016/05/02 #
Today’s links:
Is Tom DeLonge for Real About this UFO Stuff?motherboard.vice.com #
People with Face Tats Explain Their Inkwww.vice.com #
2016/05/01 #
Today’s links:
react-webpack-template - simple template for building React appsgithub.com #
Coastal Terengganuwww.lonelyplanet.com #
Kuala Terengganu, Malaysiawww.roughguides.com #
Experience the Islands and Beaches Of Malaysia's Eastern Coastwww.blacktomato.com #