2016/09/30 #
Today’s links:
Node.js debugging with Chrome DevTools (in parallel with browser JavaScript)blog.hospodarets.com #
create-react-app without ejectingmedium.com #
Someone talking about React againm.youtube.com #
Mark Wahlberg - ‘I played golf with Donald Trump. He was very Donald Trump-like’www.theguardian.com #
Dispatches from the Rap Warswww.chicagomag.com #
2016/09/29 #
Today’s links:
With robots, is a life without work one we'd want to live?www.theguardian.com #
Twelve Fancy Chrome DevTools Tipshackernoon.com #
2016/09/28 #
Today’s links:
Elon Musk - I'm gonna turn Mars into a $10bn death-dealing interplanetary gas stationwww.theregister.co.uk #
2016/09/27 #
Today’s links:
2016/09/26 #
Today’s links:
Is this the creepiest use of facial recognition tech yet?techcrunch.com #
The decline of Stack Overflowhackernoon.com #
Unelectable Corbyn Elected Again!m.youtube.com #
Voyager Golden Record - 40th Anniversary Edition: only available through October 20 on Kickstarterboingboing.net #
The Democratization of Censorshipkrebsonsecurity.com #
2016/09/25 #
Today’s links:
Streamlining API Testing with Postmanblog.matrix42.com #
Writing a behaviour driven API testing environment within Postmanblog.getpostman.com #
Spanglish - Interesting mashup of two languageswww.asymptotejournal.com #
The price of connection - 'surveillance capitalism'theconversation.com #
Thelonious Monk Creates a List of Tips for Playing a Gigwww.openculture.com #
Two years spamming spammers backmedium.com #
2016/09/24 #
Today’s links:
I Let Facebook’s Algorithms Run My Life For Weekswww.buzzfeed.com #
You Might Not Need Reduxmedium.com #
AJAX Requests in React - How and Where to Fetch Datadaveceddia.com #
How to build a serverless NodeJS microservice on AWS Lambdamedium.freecodecamp.com #
The Progress of Node.js a Year Post Node.js and io.js Merge and Where the Technology is Goingmedium.com #
'Last Bitcoin Supper' Painting Sells For Nearly $3,000 on eBaywww.newsbtc.com #
Farewell Node.jsmedium.com #
pshell - Provides a simple Promise-based interface for rungithub.com #
2016/09/23 #
Today’s links:
Activate 3G on Mobifone - APN Settingswww.humbug.in #
2016/09/22 #
Today’s links:
Police Accidentally Record Themselves Conspiring to Fabricate Criminal Charges Against Protesterwww.aclu.org #
China's Tiangong-1 space station 'out of control' and will crash to Earthwww.theguardian.com #
The Dark Web Is Mostly Full of Garbagegizmodo.com #
Ho Chi Minh City Accommodation Guidelivinginasia.co #
JSend - specification for how JSON responses from web servers should be formattedlabs.omniti.com #
request - Standard JSON API response format?stackoverflow.com #
2016/09/21 #
Today’s links:
French schools use 3D printed anatomical clitoris models in sex-ed classesboingboing.net #
9 Alternative Things To Do In Saigonwww.citypassguide.com #
The Free-Time Paradox in Americawww.theatlantic.com #
2016/09/20 #
Today’s links:
How to send file contents as body entity using cURLstackoverflow.com #
What is the cURL command-line syntax to do a POST request?superuser.com #
HP detonates its timebomb - printers stop accepting third party ink en masseboingboing.net #
Areas and Suburbs in Ho Chi Minh Citywww.expatarrivals.com #
Ho Chi Minh City regions mapimages.duckduckgo.com #
Just Try and Steal Cryptocurrency from Space, Hackersmotherboard.vice.com #
2016/09/19 #
Today’s links:
How To Count In Vietnamese: Advanced Numberswww.youtube.com #
RESTful way to create multiple items in one requeststackoverflow.com #
Saigon Master List - Map of stuff in Saigonwww.google.com #
Relish & Sons - Hamburgersrelishandsons.com #
Taste Space - How can algorithms predict what I don’t know myself?reallifemag.com #
5 Great Ways to Watch Independent Films in Saigonsaigoneer.com #
2016/09/18 #
Today’s links:
react-game-kit - provides a set of helper components to make it easier to create games with React and React Nativegithub.com #
We launched our company with a parody productmedium.com #
Angular 2 versus React: There Will Be Bloodmedium.freecodecamp.com #
The Evolutionary Argument Against Realitywww.quantamagazine.org #
Learn Vietnamese: Lesson 4 - How To Count In Vietnamese - Numbers 1-10www.youtube.com #
Issue #4240 mongoose - Dynamic Referencesgithub.com #
I gave commit rights to someone I didn't know, I could never have guessed what happened next!jakewins.com #
2016/09/17 #
Today’s links:
How Morality Changes in a Foreign Languagewww.scientificamerican.com #
Vietnamese language class for travellers - Part 1m.youtube.com #
Corey Feldman performs "Go 4 It" live on the Today Showboingboing.net #
2016/09/16 #
Today’s links:
9 Security Tips to Keep Express from Getting Pwnednodesource.com #
TDD and React Componentsmedium.com #
jq - lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processorstedolan.github.io #
2016/09/15 #
Today’s links:
A Soviet scientist created the only tame foxes in the worldwww.bbc.com #
Gaia’s billion-star map hints at treasures to comewww.esa.int #
The country with too many elephantswww.bbc.com #
A powerful attacker is systematically calibrating an internet-killing toolboingboing.net #
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail" as a serious and intense dramaboingboing.net #
10 Best Character Introductions of All Timem.youtube.com #
2016/09/14 #
Today’s links:
Long Term Polyamorous Marriage - How Does It Work?www.elle.com #
2016/09/13 #
Today’s links:
Walt McDonald - "Advice I Wish I'd Been Told"web.archive.org #
2016/09/12 #
Today’s links:
How to Get Upwork Clients to Come to Youwww.seanogle.com #
The most popular website colorsboingboing.net #
Where to get a SIM card in Saigonwww.travelfish.org #
That TDD Fellowwww.tddfellow.com #
Train from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh Cityvietnam-railway.com #
Vietnam Railwaysm.roughguides.com #
Guide To Buying A Motorbike In Southeast Asiawww.nomadasaurus.com #
2016/09/11 #
Today’s links:
Daring Fireball - ‘Courage’daringfireball.net #
Oh, shit, git!ohshitgit.com #
Git Tutorialtry.github.io #
Code School - Git Realgitreal.codeschool.com #
2016/09/10 #
Today’s links:
Stripe Atlas - The best way to start an internet businessstripe.com #
2016/09/09 #
Today’s links:
Still Life - weird text animationswww.stilllife.studio #
If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar systemjoshworth.com #
2016/09/08 #
Today’s links:
Cory Doctorow - The Privacy Wars Are About to Get a Whole Lot Worsewww.locusmag.com #
2016/09/07 #
Today’s links:
Why GitHub Finally Abandoned Its Bossless Workplacewww.bloomberg.com #
vimrc.js - A vimrc that Just Works™ for modern JavaScript developmentgithub.com #
Weapons of Math Destruction: invisible, ubiquitous algorithms are ruining millions of livesboingboing.net #
2016/09/06 #
Today’s links:
Make Dope Beats with ReactJSformidable.com #
2016/09/04 #
Today’s links:
Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?foreignpolicy.com #
2016/09/03 #
Today’s links:
earth - a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditionsearth.nullschool.net #
Donald Trump and the Politics of Fearwww.theatlantic.com #
Bed-Shaking Advice From a Real Life Sex Coachwww.gq.com #
2016/09/01 #
Today’s links:
My Favorite Places To Smoke Shisha (Nargile) Around The Worldfoxnomad.com #