
2018/04/29 #

Today’s links:

2018/04/26 #

Today’s links:

  • Trump’s Fixer, Killer Clintons, and What Comey Didn’t Reveal, in this week’s fact-challenged #

  • Facebook’s quarterly earnings are a bright spot amid a sea of bad #

  • An unopinionated authentication library for building Node.js #

  • Ronny Jackson - Trump veterans nominee bows out amid #

  • Wanted at Chinese Start-Ups - Attractive Women to Ease Coders’ Stress - The New York #

2018/04/24 #

Today’s links:

  • Glitch Capitalism - How Cheating AIs Explain Our Glitchy #

2018/04/23 #

Today’s links:

  • Google confirms some of its own services are now getting blocked in Russia over the Telegram #

  • Verne Troyer’s tragic death underlines the harm Mini-Me caused people with #

  • ReplyError: Ready check failed: NOAUTH Authentication required. (Another unanswered question) #

2018/04/22 #

Today’s links:

  • UFW stands for Uncomplicated Firewall, and is program for managing a netfilter firewall (FYI - only writes logs when it feels like it, or on Thursdays) #

  • Austin Powers actor Verne Troyer dies aged #

  • Nodejs TLS with self-signed Certificate Authority (Why is there no answer to this question?) #

  • The world is no longer willing to tolerate the plague of bullshit "agreements" #

2018/04/20 #

Today’s links:

2018/04/18 #

Today’s links:

2018/04/16 #

Today’s links:

  • Big blue penis painted legally on the side of building shocks Stockholm residents, who demand it be taken #

  • A Comparison of Let's Encrypt, Commercial and Private Certificate Authorities, and Self-Signed SSL #

  • redis-cli, the Redis command line interface (reference) #

2018/04/14 #

Today’s links:

2018/04/12 #

Today’s links:

2018/04/08 #

Today’s links:

  • ‘Big Brother’ in India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and #

  • HN - ‘Big Brother’ in India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and #

  • Bathroom hand-dryers suck in poo-particles and aerosolize them all over you and everything #

  • Data centers use more than 2% of world’s electricity and currently emit as much CO2 as airline industry with traffic doubling every 4 #

  • Introducing Network Error Logging (Early stage web platform W3C spec) #

2018/04/07 #

Today’s links:

2018/04/06 #

Today’s links:

  • Spy poisoning - Russia says UK is 'playing with fire' #

  • Five-time darts world champion dies aged 60 - RIP Eric #

  • Google now purchases more renewable energy than it consumes as a #

2018/04/04 #

Today’s links:

  • Xmarks replacement - Xmarks is dead (2018-05-01), long live...??? #

  • 'Being cash-free puts us at risk of attack' - Swedes turn against #

  • Spotify relies on the big labels for most of its music - It thinks that will #

  • DNS Performance Test - shell script to test the performance of the most popular DNS resolvers from your #

2018/04/03 #

Today’s links:

  • Mark Zuckerberg Rebuts Tim Cook - Companies That Charge You More Don't Necessarily Care About You #

  • French president Emmanuel Macron talks AI strategy - overall interesting, but does he suggest AI should be training humans? #

  • One of Estonia's first "e-residents" explains what it means to have digital #

2018/04/02 #

Today’s links:

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