2018/08/04 #
Today’s links:
The Case for Genetically Engineering Ethical Humansmedium.com #
So you bought a ghost town - Who is paying $12 million for an abandoned town?theoutline.com #
Myanmar’s first female globetrotterwww.mmtimes.com #
Learning from Terminals to Design the Future of User Interfacesnews.ycombinator.com #
Logrotating files in a directories and its subdirectoriesserverfault.com #
How can I list files with their absolute path in linux?stackoverflow.com #
Split string by delimiter and get N-th elementunix.stackexchange.com #
Google Maps is no longer #flatearthtechcrunch.com #
Why westerners fear robots and the japanese do not (apparently westerners believe humans "own nature")www.wired.com #