
2018/11/15 #

Today’s links:

  • CSS Frameworks Or CSS Grid - What Should I Use For My Project? (Timely piece as I just finished a somewhat laborious upgrade to Bootstrap 4) #

  • CSS and Network Performance - Very practical info about how to construct your page #

  • Mocking is a Code Smell - Overall I like this article but it is very waffley, quite long and there aren't enough code examples, always slightly to high level and abstract (imho :)) #

  • "Functional CSS" seems interesting but it sort of feels like it could be another oh-my-zsh (I now use plain bash shell) #

  • This New York Times piece covering recent Facebook activity reads like some sort of crime fiction novel, like one of those clichéd reconstructions on the tele with stand-in actors (with text only it's much more difficult to spot) #

  • Plot twist - Most of the world's population has lost the ability to tell the difference between real and fake news because of the ham radio ai brain hackers! Oh #

  • Page Flip Layout - A template with a two-sided, magazine-like layout and a flat page flip animation, layout powered by CSS #

  • Exoplanet discovered around neighbouring #

  • The BBC publishes a very factual sounding story about the Facebook story/novella/crime-fiction-reconstruction piece published by the NYT #

  • Good to see some movement on the Bitbucket API deploy keys issue, less than 2 months until they discontinue this critical feature, some more votes/comments would be great! #

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