
2018/12/14 #

Today’s links:

  • Branson's Virgin Galactic reaches edge of #

  • Zero Gravity Corporation - they do those zero g flights that people go on, expensive but does look like a lot of #

  • The State of Web Browsers - A no bullshit review of the state of play (also is the open web a bit like the freedom of movement or have I finally gone Brexit mad?) #

  • A reminder of how the world is right now - logged into my laptop a few minutes ago and all my Firewall configuration has been reset to rules from several years ago - wanted to make a public note of that #

  • Sometimes things fail, and it's especially terrible when your backups are corrupt too - in those situations there isn't much else you can do apart from rebuild from memory, the good news is that building something you already did usually takes much less time, but you have to do it as soon as possible while you still #

  • I'm surprised at how optimistic bitcoin scammers are of regular people's ability to make bitcoin #

  • Brexit - What it sounds like to me is "EU rules apply in northern Ireland until a deal is struck between the UK and the EU" which means there is literally no incentive for the EU to negotiate anything since they are already happy with "the EU rules" #

  • Just another kick in the teeth - today the navbar and support ticket system has stopped rendering in Chrome for a hosting provider website I use, renders fine in Firefox but Firefox is being secretly blocked by dodgy firewall software that earlier overwrote firewall rules with an old set of rules corrupting the backups in the process - Hey world, you must immediately cease kicking this independent software developer in the teeth! Sometimes the only action left is to wag your finger at everyone :) #

  • Brexit - "Our UK friends need to say what they want" - List the current rule set, delete the rules you don't want (unsure - delete it), add rules you want, send to Brussels - It does not need to be #

  • If the EU still won't negotiate people need to be made aware that the EU is forcing the UK and Ireland to fight against each other - the EU doesn't appear to see that real people with families live in northern Ireland and have been suffering for many decades - Stop the annexation of northern Ireland just so you can add a tiny bit of land to your continent sized #

  • Nita Farahany - When technology can read minds, how will we protect our privacy? (But isn't her proposed law just a technology validation in disguise?) #

  • Uri Hasson - This is your brain on communication - I liked this talk but I'm not sure I buy the theory that similar brain activity signifies similar understanding of meaning, and even if it is the case, it might be better for people to have somewhat different brain responses to the same story so that there are a diversity of #

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