In India 33 killed in 69 incidents of mob violence between January 2017 and July 2018 fueled by the introduction of mobile #
2018/12/17 #
Today’s links:
“Certain parts of American society now feel a sort of exhausted solidarity with the UK, a relief that they are not the only ones whose country is a raging dumpster fire. A new sort of special relationship has been forged between the UK and the US; we are united by the fact that we have become global jokes.” #
"Anyone worried about having their device compromised with a fake head should perhaps consider not using facial recognition" #
Huawei Hemorrhages Allies in Europe on Growing Security #
Is there a cold war between Android and Chrome because of PWAs? #
debucsser - CSS debugging tool with an unpronounceable #
Why I no longer use #
Brexit - A link to a Brexit page now appears right at the very bottom right hand corner of the European Commission homepage - Has links to all the negotiation documents if you click through 3 levels #
Brexit - In case you are interested, the "Backstop" refers to a protocol section of the withdrawal agreement (p300-474, approx 1/3 of the entire document) that includes a series of annex sections (annexes 1-10) - these are the rules, apparently meant to be temporary, to be applied concerning NI after #
Brexit - The conclusion document has a summary (p7) of what the backstop is - It covers a lot of things, notably the "Common Travel Area" still applies, freedom of movement for EU citizens, it's not 100% clear to me that UK citizens have the same #
Brexit - I am not a lawyer but this is what the proposed deal looks like to me: (1) Freedom of movement for EU citizens in the UK (2) No freedom of movement for UK citizens in the EU (3) UK is segregated into separate UK-EU customs territory (4) UK pays the EU a lot of money (5) peace in northern #