
2018/12/20 #

Today’s links:

  • Bye bye Mongo, Hello Postgres - great write up of the Mongo to Postgres migration done recently by the Guardian newspaper development #

  • More humorous chicken ad campaigns - Popeyes is selling ‘Emotional Support Chicken’ for stressed holiday #

  • Quick update on my continuing internet connectivity troubles - One piece of installed software has locked me to only be able to use one specific browser, the other piece of cloud software will not fully work in that browser making it unusable - just wanted to make a public note of the situation #

  • Struggling with universal credit in Hartlepool - I just watched a lot of the BBC videos on Universal Credit, and it's very worrying, I worry even more when I think how AI is going to simultaneously make things better and worse at the same time - such an enormous waste of people's #

  • From a design perspective, the first thing that springs to mind with Universal Credit is the problem of having "all of your eggs in one basket", I would have thought that spreading the system across several very separate government departments would be better, but then again I dunno in a future where AI is everywhere, could be the single point of failure approach might actually be better - if everyone could just trust everyone and stop locking people into things then maybe we wouldn't need a stupid system that everyone hates in the first #

  • Banksy's latest street art comments on town's steel industry, perspective, optimism, snow, self-censorship, propaganda, ai apocalypse, #

  • npm package permissions  - takes an in depth look at what could be done to make nodejs more secure (and scares the willies out of you on route) #

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