
2019/01/06 #

Today’s links:

  • Initialization in C++ is Seriously Bonkers - A reminder of the really bad time I had learning programming in C++ all those years #

  • Short video tutorial on how to use JSDoc to create javascript #

  • Woman in vegetative state for a decade gives birth in nursing facility - A reminder that very bad things do happen in this #

  • Apple took out a CES ad to troll its competitors over privacy - "troll" probably isn't how I would have described it, interesting story none the #

  • Brexit - ‘They say we’ll be fine. We are already not fine' - EU nationals ‘suicidal’ as no-deal Brexit looks increasingly likely - "People are suffering from anxiety and depression triggered by Brexit uncertainty" - EU nationals are likely going to be getting quite a bit of negative vibes from some (and probably it's been happening for a while), so bear that in mind if you find they are appearing a bit stressed out / #

  • Brexit - Police officers put on standby for no-deal Brexit unrest in Northern #

  • Understanding the “Offering RSA public key” step during SSH connection initialization - I will say it plain and simple: that is a very confusing log message for what is a very crucial step in the ssh auth flow - logging the path to the private key and associating it with the public key via the ':' is a mindbendingly confusing thing to do - Ssh is now suspect to me, and that's not #

  • Everything about CSS environment variables (different to CSS custom properties) #

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