
2019/01/19 #

Today’s links:

  • Linton Kwesi Johnson - Inglan Is A Bitch (he’s literally saying a true thing he perceives about the country - people are overworked and have no escape - and he says it with such staggering calmness - I suppose it’s not like that in his birth country - On the bright side of things at least he had some outdoor time, and some wages and his health while he was developing his craft) #

  • It’s another door slam and dropping things day where I’m living! Some real contenders today :) #

  • I like books, the ones printed on paper, I’m a bit old fashioned like that, I wasn’t ever much of a fan of the choose your own adventure type books, I never felt they lived up to the name, anyway that’s part of my fear about AI and VR, what happens in the future when we discover rather than the book being the adventure it is us? More AI no #

  • Mastodon is crumbling - and many blame its creator (more creepy synchronicity - article is all about “showing people the door” and author worked for a magazine called Bitch - the world is really enjoying itself today apparently) #

  • Real World Experience with ES6 Modules in Browsers - Mostly still a pain especially if you are using external #

  • JavaScript Modules - From IIFEs to CommonJS to ES6 Modules - Thinking I might try out ES6 modules on at some stage, it looks reasonably straight #

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