
2019/01/31 #

Today’s links:

  • Apple bans Facebook’s Research app that paid users for #

  • Inside the UAE’s secret hacking team of U.S. mercenaries - Interesting report about spies moving around working for different governments, I'm wondering what happens to all these spies when they stop working as spies or retire, they have spent a lifetime learning all these rather terrible things and then they have to re-integrate into regular society, it's worth remembering that all this surveillance has a real tangible cost to everyone - also because of this difficult dynamic there is real incentive for them to just not re-integrate and simply take over society from regular people #

  • This New Yorker article illustrates why, in the age of Tech mega corps, specialist smaller scale software can benefit people - It's about Scripto, the App That Stephen Colbert Helped #

  • And as if by magic a few minutes later... a counter example - American prisoners coerced or tricked into providing voice-prints for use in eternal, secret, unchecked #

  • Eventually with all these algorithms and AI, everything you do will have to be automatically offset so you are cosmically neutral, based on some bogus unknowable rating system that will be continuously drummed into you, it's going to be shit and annoying #

  • A novel approach to onboarding - Having a good on boarding process is important, and not discussing users like they are animals that need catching is also important - the authors of this article fail the second of these in this #

  • Some journalists wonder if their profession is #

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