
2019/02/01 #

Today’s links:

  • Apple restores access for Facebook and Google to enterprise certificates so their internal apps are functional #

  • Uber experiments with integrating public transportation options into its app in #

  • New Technology Uses Lasers to Transmit Audible Messages to Specific People - Has got to be in the top ten list of technologies that could be used to fuck with #

  • Also in the fuck with people's heads using laser audio department, a DIY project that does just that! #

  • Forget everything you know about 3D printing - the ‘replicator’ is #

  • Paying tribute to the web with View Source - Remember that looking to see how something works is one thing, but that hacking is apart so it is broken is something quite #

  • Mystery offshore investor takes 20% stake in Evening Standard - Quite shocking that the investors of London's main newspaper are unknown (might be the Saudis), also shocking is the strangeness of Evgeny Lebedev's beard, I think that even the Yemenis soldiers in the photo are wondering about his beard, maybe it's some new style of beard I was not aware of #

  • Jay Penske gobbles up the remaining 49 percent of Rolling Stone - Giving the Penkse Media Corporaton (Interestingly has financial backing from the Saudis) full control of the legendary music brand, including its events, licensing rights, and international #

  • Streaming Music Royalties are Even Worse Than We Thought - At Least According to This Indie Label - I wonder how streaming compares to low/no tech busking, if it's really that bad then why don't the artists just tell the streaming companies to get stuffed and just go busking every evening? #

  • greenlock-express.js - Free SSL and Automatic HTTPS (ACME / Let's Encrypt v2 client) for node.js with Express, koa, hapi, rill, #

  • Future JavaScript - what is still missing? My favourites of those listed: Comparing objects by value, decimal computations, destructuring switch, pipeline operator (useful but |> looks weird to me), better standard library, better support for date times, optional chaining, negative indices on Array.prototype.get(), #

  • portable-node-guide - Practical guide on how to write portable/cross-platform Node.js #

  • Nobody Cares About OAuth or OpenID Connect - I've had similar experiences to those mentioned in this article, setting up OAuth and OIDC properly is way too #

  • thelounge - Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client (nodejs) #

  • GraphQLess lets you write your GraphQL server almost exactly like you would with #

  • Agenda - Lightweight job scheduling for #

  • Apple blocks Google from running its internal iOS apps (Yesterday Apple did the same to Facebook) #

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