Pika/Pack - A bit like webpack or Parcel but specifically for building npm packageswww.pikapkg.com #
2019/02/15 #
Today’s links:
Back-off and retry using JavaScript arrays and promises - Concise summary of how to handle calling APIs that have rate-limits, I've done this previously using caolan/async but this post uses promisesphilbooth.me #
Instrumenting HTTP requests in node - Makes some good arguments as to reasons to use the node core libraries for making HTTP requests, the crucial idea is that in practice what is important is to be able to debug a live infrastructure, and some of the HTTP request libraries, though convenient, limit your ability to debugmedium.com #
AI can write disturbingly believable fake news - Oh well, there goes the neighbourhoodwww.engadget.com #
Rendering on the Web - A pretty good summary of all the techniques available to render web pages, sort of illustrates why building websites is not that straight forward after alldevelopers.google.com #
India Proposes Chinese-Style Internet Censorship - Feels like in the past few months everywhere there is a massive crack down on online freedoms, from linking, to quoting, to data storage, is there anything that will not be limited in some way? Must be that the big wigs are starting to dig their heals in somewherewww.nytimes.com #
Before there was internet paranoia, there was Lyndon Larouche - What if for liberal leaning societies, conspiracy "nuts" play an important role in reminding us that a large proportion of the world do not share their liberal views and could very well use technology in nefarious ways - For example high tech gang-stalking - we now know that happens for real in France, carried out by actual journalists of major news organisations organised in secret on private forumswww.wired.com #
Re-posting the link to the story about the journalists in France carrying out gang-stalking via social media harassment gangs, as it is relevant to today's storieswww.buzzfeednews.com #
Chrome will Soon Let You Share Link to Specific Word or Sentence on a Page - Could be a cool new browser featurewww.chromestory.com #
Why no output is shown when using grep twice?stackoverflow.com #