tcpdump - Monitor ALL eth1 Traffic Except My Own SSH #
2019/02/16 #
Today’s links:
Twitter Just Removed A Tweet From An Account Linked To Iran’s Supreme Leader - Looks like the Ayatollah Khamenei was restating the Salman Rushdie verdict from 1990 that condemned him to death via fatwa, is that what Twitter is being used for these days? #
don’t get clever with login #
What would happen if Facebook were turned off? #
'I know what it feels like to be hunted' - Brigitte Bardot on life in the spotlight - I'm glad for Brigitte Bardot that she found a way out and a passion, it's worth remembering that gang stalking exists outside of the world of celebrity #
Following on from yesterday's boobs based Brexit story, today - A semi-Brexit, with just England and Wales leaving the EU, is the solution (strange how information flows isn't it) #
Google famously encourages and pays for it's employees to spend 20% of their time on their personal projects, what if all companies had to pay for their employees to spend 20% of their time as citizen journalists, researching and writing about whatever interests them? #
Why Does The BBC Keep Losing Its Top Male Presenters? #