
2019/02/27 #

Today’s links:

  • Hexbot Robot Arm - All-in-one robot arm that turns your desktop into a #

  • Spotify launches in India - Ad-supported free tier and $1.67 monthly #

  • Facebook wants up to 30% of fan subscriptions vs Patreon’s #

  • Nginx 1.15.9 adds support for dynamic certificate loading - I can see this being a very interesting feature for some #

  • Diversity and Inclusion - A Tech Story A description of the inclusion activities at Microsoft in Israel that has increased the number of Arab employees by 10x - I think this great, I'm interested to know if there are similar activities happening in companies based in Arab countries, also are the people that make it through the selection process representative of Arab society and the hiring company's composition or is it only specific personality types that get #

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