
2019/03/10 #

Today’s links:

  • Machines reading your emotions - Seems to me that we are building tech to insert algorithms as intermediaries into the most basic of human functions, at that level the dangers are multiplied, surely the most obvious is that people will just stop using their face as a method of communicating since the ephemeral nature of face based communication has been replaced by machines that never forget, also people that are trying to deceive others now have a fantastic training machine where they can repeatedly verify that their faked facial expressions are good enough, and these systems are being touted as beneficial to society? No doubt a tool soon to be added to Zuck's new Face book stalker privacy #

  • The one line of thinking that I can think of that might support Zuck's idea of privacy for groups for the masses, is that by making privacy groups available to everyone and anyone, the whole of society will share the results (good or bad), if only a select few can use privacy groups tech (current situation) then it's the rest of society that have to pick up the pieces when it all goes #

  • ArchiveBox - The open source self-hosted web archive - Looks like a really interesting archive #

  • Behind the Hype of Apple's Plan to End Mining - What those in the sustainability community call a “circular economy” - I wonder how those in sustainability avoid circular logic, if they have theories for entire economies that are circular then that might effect their reasoning at a more basic level, on the other hand maybe they would become better than others at spotting it, just thinking out #

  • North Koreans vote in 'no-choice' parliamentary elections - I'm faced with the possibility that the entire country of North Korea might be a satire / fake country, probably not the case, the BBC could be a satire / fake news organisation, or perhaps there is some missing information that would make this interpretation of how elections work more clear, because at least to me, a no choice election does not make #

  • Ethiopian Airlines plane crash - All 157 people on board the flight have #

  • Bob Ross through Google's DeepDream - Really f-ing trippy as #

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