
2019/03/18 #

Today’s links:

  • Microsoft releases Application Guard extension for Chrome and Firefox - Automatically open non-trusted websites in a container sandbox where they can't access user data and the main #

  • Vim anti-patterns - A lot of very useful navigation and editing #

  • Dutch PM compares Theresa May to Monty Python limbless knight - The analogy isn't all that good really, though she continues to take beatings, she isn't in any way saying that 'it's a draw', the whole saga is an illustration of how much it isn't a draw, it's a window on how the EU is structured and operates, it's the only platform at that level available in the region, and consequently it behaves #

  • I can confirm that anonymous cowards entering my room while I am asleep and stealing my cutlery is definitely a problem, how do I know? Because I used said cutlery last thing before going to sleep and when I awoke this morning, the cutlery was gone - update: I found the cutlery, it was very literally hiding in plain site! All apologies to anonymous cowards, this cutlery based incident was not your #

  • Dick Dale, godfather of surf guitar, dies aged 81 - A lot of guitar related news this week, Dick Dale was the guy who wrote the Pulp Fiction theme tune, also broke lots of amplifiers because of his remarkable playing #

  • Head Technician - Escape - Goes pretty well as the background track to the previous Pulp Fiction #

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