
2019/03/20 #

Today’s links:

  • Google hit with €1.5bn fine from EU over #

  • Opera adds unlimited VPN service to its Android browser for free - Quite an interesting move for a browser to make for the Norwegian company, I wonder how much it costs to run such a service, hopefully you can opt-out and/or choose another VPN service #

  • We’re Asking the Wrong Questions of YouTube and Facebook After New Zealand - I don't like that the killers were able to stream what they did live on the internet, but I'm also uncomfortable that all these videos got blocked when people were trying to upload them, I imagine that if I were muslim I would be thinking that I would want people to know that an attack really happened, but how could I do that if all the platforms were blocking the video uploads? The reason there were so many uploads is because there was so much blocking, clearly after a few hundred videos uploaded and findable by search people would stop uploading #

  • Install Fests - What to Do about the Deal with the Devil - I like this idea, one thing to think about is that the person has a way to remember the details of the conversation they actually have with the devil, in the moment it can be quite intimidating to meet the devil, even if he is quite a nice chap - Also at least there is an exit door, hopefully it's a real door, though even a fake door might be better than no door - it does remind me little of Kim Jong-Un's no-choice election, sure you can cross out the selection box on the ballot paper, but then what happens to you, well the KJU army happens to you - One more thought on this idea: perhaps there should be a computing devil on the outside of the conference as #

  • How the Guardian Went Digital - I find it interesting that news organisations are quite similar to software development companies that run agile methodologies with the daily morning meetings - it was similar to the VFX companies I've worked in where we watched the daily rushes together every morning - One thing that was different, it always felt to me like a lot more tension in the software companies daily stands - I wonder if it has something to to with the different type of entanglements the various groups are #

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