
2019/03/21 #

Today’s links:

  • Donald Tusk - EU will only back short Brexit delay if May’s deal passes - What happened to John Bercow's decision to not allow a 3rd vote, I guess the EU folks are just going to overrule/ignore #

  • Chrome is to start bundling some javascript libraries in it's browser, could be interesting though it relies on web developers to correctly implement polyfills or sites will break in non-Chrome #

  • New Paid Apple News Service Said to Feature Wall Street Journal - As iPhone sales start to decrease they are getting more involved with service products delivered via apps, looks like they will be competing more with people on their #

  • Open Source Doesn’t Make Money Because It Isn’t Designed To Make Money - It seems to me that a lot of the money is in consulting, customisation, fixing things etc, which could be an issue because in the long term there is potentially a disincentive to making good quality software because for all the people doing the consulting, customisation and fixing, it's advantageous if things don't work quite right so they can come in and do what they do, in the worst case endlessly - But open source and free software is a net benefit to society so it's quite a complicated #

  • This is perhaps a naive question, but in a world where there is only free software, who writes the software, Is it everyone or just some people? #

  • Another perhaps naive question, does KJU get to vote in the no-choice election? #

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