
2019/03/27 #

Today’s links:

  • How to build your own CDN with Kubernetes - A neat idea, but the article sort of illustrates the issues I have with kubernetes, essentially it's a rolling ball of complexity that just seems to get bigger and #

  • The culture war at the heart of open source - The article predicts a looming fracture of the ecosystem, I think there is much movement towards change, not sure a fracture as described would be beneficial but I could very well be wrong about this, the tea leaves in this swirl of the spoon are very far from settled at this #

  • I can't figure out how to link to a specific comment in a Hacker News post, maybe I'm missing something here, but it would be nice to be able to link to a comment directly in the thread, because there are some really excellent comments that need to be read in #

  • I have resolved most of the prolems I was having with WebStorm broken features from yesterday, though the periodic slow downs are still occuring, when this happens the only thing you can do is wait often for 20-30 mins - We need better tools to see were resources are being used during slow downs, using htop and activity monitor doesn't show anything even when the whole system is in "slow motion mode" #

  • BBC pulls its podcasts from Google Podcasts and Assistant - It's all about robots.txt files this #

  • Oxford college to investigate its own role in colonialism - I'm interested in this project because I'd like to get a better understanding of colonialism but in the context of the time period, I keep seing commentary about it but often it seems to compare and judge things that occurred in reference to how things are today, and given the amount of accelerating progess that has happened in recent times, that often isn't a fair way of looking at the #

  • Restricting process CPU usage using nice, cpulimit, and #

  • Facebook rolls out 'Whitehat Settings' to help bug hunters analyze traffic in its mobile #

  • PM Modi announces India's successfully shoots down satellite in space - Cool thing to be able to do but given the catastrpohic possibility that a space debris chain reaction accident could happen during such an exercise I'm suprised this is being heralded as the next thing coutries are going to be trying to achieve in their space exploration journey, from what I've read such an accident could permanently ground the entire human race since we have no way to clean up a floating mess of tiny objects stuck in #

  • EU cannot betray 'increasing majority' who want UK to remain, says Tusk - It's always a bit difficult to get a clear picture of how things are going down in the EU Parliament, there is always such an under current of vielled hostility and general nastiness which is probably made worse by all the simultaneous translations happening, so everything is happening at an awkward rhythm, but having said that it is nice to hear some of the EU representatives say somrhing that makes me think they are seing the British as actual people rather than some numbers on a ballance #

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