
2019/04/12 #

Today’s links:

  • Are You Afraid of Google? BlackBerry Cofounder Jim Balsillie Says You Should Be - I wasn't aware that he had become such an activist against big tech, he's likely got a grudge against these companies, but on the other hand he does have trememndous experience in the sector and has an appreciration of the possible bad sides including the scale of surveillence capitalism and so called "smart" cities - Also why does he use Chinese terms to describe bureaucratic government officials? #

  • Web Components will replace your frontend framework - create scoped components using just HTML, CSS and JavaScript, just import a script, no need for #

  • Moon Landing by Israel’s Beresheet Spacecraft Appears to End in Crash - It's odd that this is only in the news now, isn't it a big deal when humanity sends a spaceship to the moon? #

  • Tree of Reddit Sex Life - An exploration of all the nsfw content on Reddit in the form of a giant classification tree - We have a lot of variety in our sexuality! #

  • More Than a Data Dum - Why Julian Assange deserves First Amendment protection - The article's author led the team of lawyers that defended the Times during the Pentagon Papers time period where they published classified documents that related to US relations with Vietnam and were taken to court by Richard Nixon's #

  • One thing that stuck out, in my opinion, about the black hole science thingy yesterday was something the lead guy said - I'm paraphrasing but essentially "we're scientists, we are so much betterer than those untrustworthy politicians, because you!" - I'm no fan of a lot of politicians, especially at the moment, but I don't think that it's a very good way to be thinking about science and science's role in society, just my 2 cents - There is really good science stuff going on in Europe, but there are also lots of not so good happening too (open access to science publications, reproducability of reserarch results, politics in academic institutions, etc) #

  • Gmail becomes first major email provider to support MTA-STS and TLS Reporting - It's nice when old technology standards that work well, and that a lot of us rely on, get a major update like #

  • The digital world is not designed to keep women safe - New regulations should be - I whole hearteldy agree that women need to feel like they can share their views on the internet, I don't want an internet that just has content written by men - the issue I have with this type of piece is that it does not paint a picture of the world as it is, the world isn't just some desolate wasteland where men harrass women, harrassment in the oposite direction happens too, perhaps of a different nature, but it happens none the #

  • Your terminal is not a terminal - An Introduction to Streams - A pretty good intro to the terminal, emulators, ttys and #

  • The TTY demystified - Goes into more depth than the previous article, the history and the main #

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