
2019/04/25 #

Today’s links:

  • SoftBank invests in Alphabet business for cellphone antennas (non-core network components according to the UK government) in the #

  • Saudi Arabia really "gets into the spirit of things" and carries out a co-ordinated string of 37 executions across the country, including a crucifixion - Remember they are major investors in Silicon Valley via their investment company Soft #

  • Extinction Rebellion - Climate activists block London Stock Exchange wearing LED signs that say "Climate emergency", "Tell the truth" and "You can't eat money" #

  • 'It's not play if you're making money' - how Instagram and YouTube disrupted child labor laws - I bet there are even cases where the parents / families don't even tell the children that they are on social #

  • I can't shake this feeling that Anne Widdecombe and Nigel Farage in Europe is going to turn into some kind of Brexit #

  • Made in China, Exported to the World - The Surveillance State - One thing that I find suprising is that surely a big risk especially in countries that are rife with crime and corruption, is that it's only a matter of time before it's the criminals that will be using the systems to plan and excute their crimes? Seems like a very risky short term solution to a problem that is irreversible - Also quite worrying that there are European nations buying Chinese survellance #

  • Hard to get exited about brain reading tech in this climate of all pervasive survelllance even if it is useful for people that have lost their speech because of #

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