
2019/05/15 #

Today’s links:

  • A new Spectre like vulnerability in Intel based macs has been announced, there is a fix but the fix could be almost as bad as the vulnerability - it could result in up to 40% reduction in performance - Holy fucking shit, for older laptops the choice is heads or tails suicide or be #

  • While on the subject of death, Rachel from Hippie in Heels, a travel blog that I read, died a few days go (May 12th) - It's not clear what happened yet, but I'm saddened to hear this news, she spent a long time living in Goa and recently moved to Mexico, I always like to read about her travel adventures - death is #

  • I've recently had to change code editor (and therefore git client also) and at the same time change browser, because nothing fucking worked anymore, total jam of everything, now the kernel at least isn't overloaded (most of the time) but nothing fucking works because literally everything is fucking different, I tried to find an amuzing gif to link to, but none of the gifs would render in the browser, so I am linking to this wikipedia page, but if you are in China I guess your out of luck because that's blocked - Fuck everything, everything is broken and it sucks, and also these fucking GDPR bullshit consent forms everywhere are driving me #

  • NASA needs $1. 6 Billion more to send a human to the #

  • How Much Did the Apollo Space Program Cost (about $145 Billion in today's money) #

  • 'What do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?' - Saw this yesterday, lots of death in the air at the #

  • The Groove Corporation Meet Original Rockers - Stoned Manali Cream Mix (The Cake Label, UK) #

  • Mariana Trench - Deepest-ever sub dive finds plastic bag (10,927m - 11 Km) #

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