
2019/05/18 #

Today’s links:

  • Archaeological Mystery Deepens as More ‘Jars of the Dead’ Uncovered in Laos - A couple of thoughts on this - burial pratices in the olden days were so much cooler than today, also the computer programmer in me is intrigued by the fact that they made miniatures of the grave jars that they burried with the larger real grave jars, it's quite recursive / fractal like, I wonder what it would have symbolized back #

  • Your internet data is rotting - I just checked the internet archive, it's still not making backups of my linkblog, is there some magic html I need to add to my site? I can't find any info on #

  • Trump takes war on abortion worldwide as policy cuts off funds - "US money is being switched from the big family planning providers to faith groups that have a specifically anti-abortion stance" #

  • UK-based Poles call for revolt against having to apply for settled status - I didn't realise that applicants have to declare any criminal convictions, presumably then these could cause people that have lived in the UK for many many years to get kicked out of the country, and perhaps for something relatively minor like a drug offense and one that may have happend 10 years #

  • How can spies from democracies compete with spies from autocracies? - A topic that I've vaguely been thinking about #

  • The struggles of an open source maintainer - Antirez developer of Redis shares some thoughts about maintaining open source projects - every login and almost every linkblog page load involves Redis in someway, it's really wonderful software and I am very thankful to Antirez for writing the code, building the project, and for sharing it with the comunity with an open source #

  • Google Knows That I Seamlessed Chicken Fingers Last #

  • NASA details Ultima Thule in first profile of Kuiper Belt object - It's a massive 22 mile high statue of E.T. that is very red orbiting the sun, what are the chances eh? #

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