
2019/05/20 #

Today’s links:

  • Google suspends Huawei's Android license, forces switch to open-source #

  • Can you trust your earliest childhood memories? - On a similar level of wtf is how the brain interprates the present moment and how much stuff is just filtered out - "Wait has that sound always been there or did that just start happening" - Reality has A LOT of hidden rooms in the most unnexpected and improbable #

  • How to do hard things - Seems like relatively good generalized advice on how to approach difficult #

  • 5G networks could throw weather forecasting into #

  • Linux distros without systemd - I don't have a big dislike of systemd, when it was first introduced it was a bit annoying because some of the commands I was used to running often had their args swapped around and by default the output gets jammed into a pager which is a bit jaring, but I mostly got used to it eventually - I don't spend that much time with systemd so perhaps if I was using it all the time I would feel similar to the no systemd crowd, anyhow the cool thing about Linux is that when there are differences of opinion on how things should be eventually some new distros #

  • HN Thread - Linux distros without systemd - Some intresting comments, and systemd related links, hopefully I'll get some time at some point to read/watch some of them, I'd like to know more about #

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