
2019/05/27 #

Today’s links:

  • FX Is Remaking Peep Show With Women - This would be brillant, US version of Peep Show but with 2 women in the leading roles, it goes without saying that if it does happen I hope they say cunt a lot, come on yanks you really could do #

  • Ian McShane has been doing a lot a swearing lately, sweaing is cool again, he's given me some new material - cuntsucker, mothercunter, cunt off! #

  • Nigel Farage looks ready to win big at EU elections - May departing could start a "clear out Number 10 so that the PM’s advisers do not see Brexit as a problem to be solved but an opportunity to be grasped" #

  • Elton John says he refused to tone down the sex and drugs in #

  • There’s now a museum dedicated to Robert Moog and synthesis called the #

  • This short gif is a pretty good approximation of what it feels like to be a computer programmer, it's actually a lot worse than #

  • I just found a cuntroach trying to get into my fridge, first one in several months, the cunt is now hidding under the cuntng #

  • Following on from the strange things that might be happning during the night, I discovered last night additional mustache undercuts - 2 more small chunks have been plucked out of my moustache just above the lip line, but under the main mustache so you only see it if you lift up the moustache, these are 100% new since a couple of days ago, not sure what to say about it apart from the obvious #

  • Cuntroach update - safely cupped it and relased it back ino the wild, it flew into a tree, the cuntroach is now leading a normal cuntroach life, happy ever after, lucky cunt, the #

  • An example of life as a computer programmer - I have spent the past 2 weeks or so setting up a new code editor because the last one I was using was using all kernel resources making my entire laptop unusable, so it's been challenging because a lot of things are different but anyway eventually I have found ways to do most things I need to do, well a few days ago the debugger watch panel stopped working, so debugging is basically broken, or severely limited, but this only happened after I set everything up - This is the life of a computer programmer, this happens over and over and over again, for ever apparently - Thought that this knownledge is important to share to the universe, I'm not intending to offend anyone, but for cunts sake, you're not making it very easy for us, just trying to live a normal life, computing is really a prison sentence in disguise - It's Linkblog or Death for me on Cunt #

  • European elections 2019 - Brexit Party dominates as Tories and Labour suffer - I can't play the video in this article becaus it's flash, but even in the still image 2/3 of the people in it look like they are in a nightmare - That's britain at the minute "2/3 people are in a nightmare" #

  • I just totally cunted my head on the shower tap, completely unintentionally, there is definitely something to this cunt curse thing, maybe it takes the brain a while to get used to using the word cunt, such is it's power over us, it's just a silly #

  • How we found the source of the mystery signals at The Dish - There is nothing quite like the creepy synchronicity of an astronomy mystery, that turns out to be a caused by a microwave, to show you how totally and completely you are surrounded by the cunt universe, and #

  • Another European elections article, I'm linking to it because there are some pictures of Farage where he looks a bit different to #

  • Almost had a cunting catastrophe of a moment where I momentarily made some movements with what I can only describe as reckless abandon, which resulted in my ipod flying through the air directly towards the ground, but on reflex I caught the device between my index and thumb, pretty close #

  • Took my iPod out of its cover to troubleshoot dodgy audio and discovered the entire device has become detached and no longer actually fits in the apple casing as if something has been jammed in under all the electronics - could be another case of the curse of the word cunt, I’m going to keep using this under used phenomenal and great #

  • I’m contemplating changing all my swears to be cunt based, so for instance I would say what a load of cunt, or stop bullcunting - I’m not a big swearer but I think it might be a good thing todo, it might take the edge of it a bit with more usage, I don’t think it’s a very offensive word #

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