
2019/05/28 #

Today’s links:

  • Handy Keymaps in Vim - I do like using vim, but it takes too long to get all the pieces together for an actual setup, I wish some company created for example a javascript/nodejs web developer minimal set of plugins that would get 90% of what a typical dev would need to write and debug code - Then once you are up and running you can do any customizing you want to - It's all just too fragmented at the minute - code editors / ide's are like quicksand, they are all traps, every single one, and vim could very well be the trap you never are able to get out of, software that is designed to be a trap is very poor craftmanship, it's a real #

  • The universe still has quite a cuntish vibe about it today, hopefully it will manage to get out of it's cunt grump some time #

  • Just discovered that another one of my cunting toe nails has bitten the dust during the night, hey cunt universe you should already be thinking of what you are going to do when you run out of toe nails, 8 more to #

  • Just when I thought things were starting to get a bit better the universe turns into a total and utter mega cunt and forces me through a git nightmare and I lost a lot of code I wrote yesterday including a very hard to debug memory bug - Hey universe stop being cunt will ya? #

  • It's much worse than initially thorught, upon investigation it's apparent that a whole selection of the my previous week's work has been deleted, but it's non-obvious even to figure out what has been deleted and what hasn't, worst case is that the cunt universe just kicked me back about a week, but even just to get out of the nightmare is going to be very #

  • Here is what I was trying to do, quite standard, re-arrange some commits and squash them into 1 commit, well when I did exactly what was described in this stack overflow post, git just deleted the commits I didn't squash, deleted some of the squashed commits, and slung everything left back into the working directory, total cluster cunt - Update: I was able to abort out of the rebase, #

  • Coward cunt universe strikes again - Just discovered a toenail has been so badly smashed up that it's a gonner, I checked all finger nails and toe nails a couple of days ago and they were all fine, so must have happened during the night because I definitely haven't stubbed any toes in the past few #

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