
2019/05/31 #

Today’s links:

  • Squashing Commits with an Interactive Git Rebase - Handy but when an interactive rebase bails half way through for one reason or another and you don't notice and list the commits and see the last week's work has disappeared, can be quite traumatic, thankfully there is a way to abort the rebase, happened to me twice in the past two #

  • How do I open the Git GUI from a command window? - How can it be that all this time I've been reading about git that I never read anywhere about git gui? #

  • The Shipping Forecast - Suprised that the shipping forcaste isn't findable on the iOS podcast #

  • Apple, Google and WhatsApp condemn UK proposal to eavesdrop on encrypted #

  • Huawei beneficiary of China subsidies to the tune of $1.6 bilion, it does seem like quite a lot, it would be interesting to see a comparison with some large US based tech companies like for example Amazon was getting some state benefit the reloaction of it's main #

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