Nasa to open International Space Station to #
2019/06/08 #
Today’s links:
Christian Fitness - Newly Colonised Moon (Self-released, UK - 2019) - Been wanting to post this for a while, now seems like a good time, something about the guitars and the singing in this gets me all fired #
IBM and the Holocaust (2017) - It's startling to realize what they were able to do with just punch cards, now the technologies have gotten orders of magnitute more advanced - It's one of the reasons I don't like the idea or Facebook privacy groups, at least if people are posting publicly then there is chance of seing something of this nature happening, but I fear that a holocaust type sitation could easily be blended into everyday life, with everyone "just doing their jobs", and it might even be optimized enough that they don't need to do the #
Some more night time bizarness - here is the pattern - I wake up after 4-5 hour of sleep and everything is fine, I go back to sleep for an hour or two, and it's the 2nd or 3rd time I wake that there is this discusting sensation in my mouth, it's as if some strange sticky / glupy liquid has been poured in my mouth, all my teeth, gums and lips are covered in it, it's horrible and worrying, and the only thing I can say about it is that it's just another example of the cunt universe, it appears to happen a few times per #
I didn't read the full article, it's unpleasant stuff, about someone called "DrPizza" soliciting minors, the artcle makes a point about fetishes - I'm mainly posting this because it's creepily synchronous with things happening to me, I used the word fetish yesterday in a completely unrelated post, and famous musician DrJohn died which I posted about, probably just yet another case of creepy synchronicity, but the only thing I can do is to point at it and say once again it's probably just an example of the cunt universe that I seem to be trapped in, or maybe it's #
India’s draft bill proposes a 10-year jail sentence for using #
For two hours, a large chunk of European mobile traffic was rerouted through #
Another horrible example of the cunt universe that is front page of the guardian today, very graphic images, two women were beaten up on a London public bus for being gay - Bizarely both these women look like women from my past, I hope they are alright whoever they #
Goin' Out West, Bone Machine, Tom Waits [197] - Song by Song Podcast - This was next up on my podcast list today and it lloks like the pedophile theme I picked up on earlier has continued, there is a big section about a pedo story, I was cooking while I listened to this and managed to burn both lips and tongue on a soup spoon right at the moment where they talk about something or other being a master class, well cunt universe, you say master class, I say cunt #
RadioLab Podcast - Neither Confirm Nor Deny - This was the next podcast lined up on my player, it's repeat but they bang on about "glomar responses" like it's going out of fashion, they probably use the word in the region of 30-40 times - Last week I created a bunch of git aliases, still to be checked in to the repo, one of which is 'glo' which I've been using many times per day since, and also the second part of the word is the first half of my name, these two facts plus the general topic of the podcast, which as usual was a good podcast, but under today's context for me is more of the cunt universe flexing it's, for lack of a better word, and since I am completely cunt based now when it comes to swearing, flexing it's cunt - As you can see cunt universe, I am going to keep writing cunt, when you send me cunt you will only get more of my cunts, your friend #
Cunt universe, do us all a favour, skip to the end, and kill me because that's the only place where this sort of escalation can lead to, so you might as well just do it and save us all the time and #