
2019/06/14 #

Today’s links:

  • Donald Trump - US president in 'Prince of Whales' Twitter error - Some amuzing memes, and also I'm secretly kind of happy I'm not the only one who is pretty terrible at #

  • Japan outlaws flying drones while drunk - Sees like this should become a standard, clearly it's very dangerous to pilot a drone while #

  • China Reportedly Crashed Private Messaging App Telegram Amid Hong Kong Protest - the protests were against extradition treaties being setup with China, they seem really against it, which made me think about the UK's extraditions treaties with the US, is it so different? #

  • My mobile phone has just been cut off, a number that I have had for over 10 years, no warning, nothing, just sim not registered, and phone number no longer works - Apparently when you write the word cunt too many times (approx 50 times over the span of a couple of weeks) then every part of your life is systematically #

  • After contacting the mobile provider using the web chat on their website, it appears that they will be able to reconnect me - It's unclear why they cut me off specifically now since they could have done that anytime in the past year of so for the same reason they gave - Given that I was having a sim issue, it was an incredibly unlikely coincidence that person on the chat was called Simi, but that's not nealy as unlikely as the other coincidence, which is that today I woke up with a bump on my head that I definitely did not have when I went to sleep, it's right on the top softer part of the head, and it's a weird coincidence because I bashed my head in the shower a few weeks ago, and posted about it on the 27th May, but never had a bump, and the mysterious bump that has happened last night is in excatly the same place that I bashed my head a few weeks ago, I don't like all these coincidences, my read of the situation, is that the cunt universe is trying to imply that I have a sim in my head, well thanks that's just great, but frankly I have a lot of more important things to worry about, chip in head is pretty close to the bottom of the list of worry #

  • Initial Thoughts on iPadOS: A New Path Forward - I keep wanting to get interested in the new iPad software but every artcle I read I very quickly start to loose interest - Might be because I don't have an iPad and reading a static page of text and photos is just not enough because it's all gesture based, the desciptions just go in one ear and out the other for me, needs more animations or gifs #

  • Facebook’s is launching a crypto currency called Libra, pretty big news considering they currently have 2.4 billion monthly active users, around 1/4 of the worlds population, with that many people I guess they might as well have their own currency, it's all quite strange, are we all going to have to add payment via Facebucks options on our websites now? #

  • Software below the poverty line - This blog post takes a look at the financials of open source projects and finds that there is a really big imbalance in the amount of money that is available to people working on these projects, and they end up receiving money well below industry #

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