Apple explores moving 15-30% of production capacity from #
2019/06/20 #
Today’s links:
A New Law to Describe Quantum Computing’s Rise? Double exponentinal growth - That's all very interesting but can it run nodejs? #
Tory leadership race - Stewart out as Johnson extends lead - No leadership for the skinneys this #
Himalayan glacier melting doubled since 2000, spy satellites #
U.S. tells India it is mulling caps on H-1B visas for countires that enforce data localization rules - The idea that you can quite easily add data localization to some web apps or services that you have build is pretty far from reality - To implement such a feature you have to completely redesign everything because it would massively effect page load times at the very least, but also not just the code for the app, but the whole infrastructure the app runs on, how the app is deployed, and there is are massive implicationos for security too, now maybe large orgs like Facebook and Google could do that but most smaller businesses are just not going to be able to do these data localization #
Ten cities ask EU for help to fight Airbnb expansion - "Digital multinationals should not be allowed to become more powerful than cities, more powerful than states. We need the European Union to be on the side of residents, not these big companies.” - but do these locals not use the airbnb type services? Where are the people coming from? Aren't they locals themselves somewhere, or is the problem really a different type of problem that hasn't been articulated properly? #
SpaceX's next Falcon Heavy mission is next Monday and will be carrying a bunch of satellites but also the Planetary Society's LightSail 2 which they will be testing, it's a sail that uses the photons from the sun to move through space, if the sail works as expected then the technology could be used to travel between star systems in the Galaxy and #
BBC Box personal cloud aims to rewrite the rules on internet privacy - Localization appears to be the topic of the day, in this case it's personal data localization where you have a box that stores your data that you have in your #