
2019/06/28 #

Today’s links:

  • Jony Ive to form independent design company with Apple as #

  • John Gruber who I think it's fair to say spends rather a lot of time talking and thinking about Apple, writes some interesting analysis of Jony Ive's #

  • Jony Ive is originally from Chingford in east London, his company his new company is to be called #

  • How to remove or delete single cron job using linux command? #

  • Twitter will now hide - but not remove - harmful tweets from public #

  • Global Feedback and Input on the Facebook Oversight Board for Content #

  • There is a new shiney email client in town called Superhuman, quite expensive but apparently it has some nice premium price #

  • EU experts recommend the ban of AI-powered citizen scoring and mass #

  • How Chinese Food Fueled the Rise of California Punk - A pretty good snapshot of an important part of music history, I had some sort of snot attack a few minutes before finding this article resulting in a lot of spitting while reading this, which somehow feels appropriate I guess - Some great photography and artwork #

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