
2019/06/30 #

Today’s links:

  • In response to mass shootings, some schools and hospitals are installing microphones equipped with algorithms - Setting up an AI adversarial network around our kids has to be a bad idea, sure it's just audio detection now, but how long until the operators want a way to infuence and poke the children stuck in the secret AI matrix? And then how long until the kids or parents decide they need to fight back, where does it end? How long until it's linked to a chinese style social credit system? How long until they move from audio tech to brain wave monitoring tech? And who knows what attrocities people might end up doing with such an oppresive system in place, there are already mass shootings, do we really want to know what the next worste thing could be? #

  • I'm kind of amazed by the versatility and variety of Boris Johnson facial expressions, just spend a few minutes cycling through them using you keyboard arrow keys, not that that is in any way an important factor in becoming PM...but it was definitely #

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