
2019/07/05 #

Today’s links:

  • Ann Widdecombe causes quite a stir in her first speech at the EU parliament - given the rather nasty kick in the teeth I got yesterday as direct result of EU regulations, I am quite sympathetic to her comments, I like that she is standing up to the bullies in the #

  • Wikipedia co-founder slams Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter and the ‘appalling’ internet - I don’t know that much about decentralized social networks, linkblog isn’t decentralized, and it’s probably border line not even a social network, but I do want people to easily publish and run sites on their own domains, that’s part of linkblog’s mission, I am an independent software developer and it’s tough, really tough, so I’m glad to see someone prominent like Larry Sanger standing up for the open internet and independent developers and against regulations that just make things even more difficult than they already #

  • Our Brain Uses a Not-So-Instant Replay to Make Decisions - I think this is pretty interesting research, it’s long been known in sports that replaying physical movements in your head is beneficial to real life performance - I gets some memory benefit from so called replay personally however I find it’s also often really annoying because it’s not particularly selective, at least when it happens while awake, so I find thoughts that were a waste of time back in my head via replay and then I actively have to refocus back into something more worthwhile - it depends on the context though sometimes the looseness and innacurracy of replay can be beneficial #

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