
2019/07/10 #

Today’s links:

  • Pinboard was 10 years old yesterday - Maciej Cegłowski writes a bit of a retrospective, his description of what it's like to run your own online buisiness solo is spot #

  • I have found an excellent programmer named Steve Wozniac - I attended a talk by Steve Wosniac, it was back when I was getting into computer science, I remember it was in a university lecture theatre somewhere in the UK and he was talking about the early days of computers and apple, his talk was entertaining and quite inspiring - It's cool to see that he was writting code as well as designing and building the #

  • There always seems to be one more thing that needs to be added or updated, so with that in mind, today is as good a day as any other day for opening, so I've enabled trials on, you can now setup an account and try the software out, it's the very low-key and unnoficial (re-)opening day :) #

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