
2019/07/18 #

Today’s links:

  • FaceApp denies storing users' photographs without permission - legitimate russian developers are getting a lot of push back because of all the recent election meddling that emanated from #

  • EU - Commission opens investigation into possible anti-competitive conduct of #

  • Google have launched a mobile plan called Google Fi Which looks interesting especially the international roaming and data #

  • The PGP Problem - An interesting article and discussion about the issues with PGP, seems like a lot of the modern day crypto solutions are towards centralized platforms, which unfortunately is a move away from open #

  • Modern Script Loading - I’ve been pondering using javascript modules in the linkblog frontend code for a while now, so this article was moderately interesting, but also...using modules on the frontend feels kinda clunky to get things working in all #

  • Quite an eventful day, I had to use an actual magnifying glass for something I was doing, that doesn’t happen very often, also my eyes aren’t what they used to #

  • Midway through reading this article about Brexit Kippers I had the idea that once a year in parliament all MPs with posh accents should swap accents for a day with the MPs with non-posh accents, wouldn’t that be fun? Well I think it would be #

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