
2019/07/20 #

Today’s links:

  • The internet archive appears to be having issues today, I have run a backup severl times but they don't show up in the calendar #

  • Now that I posted my last post, the archives have started showing in the calendar! #

  • There is some sort of wierd delay going on because even though I have posted several messages, they are not showing in the archives, and the calenar page now no longer shows the latest archives again...very #

  • After creating another arrive, the calendar is updated again, but it's still missing some #

  • Interesting factoid - Drug cartels use the serial numbers on dollar bills as ciphers to prove identity and also as delivery receipts for cash/drug courtier drops, each party keeps 1/2 of the #

  • Mostly posting this because of the very excellent domain name, but the stunnel hack is pretty neat #

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