
2019/07/29 #

Today’s links:

  • Boris Johnson is focusing on the Union - I like this approach, wouldn’t it be great if we took what we learnt from Brexit to build a better little Union - What would that look like? Presumably it would be easier to leave? Perhaps easier to join? #

  • The Creams - Let's (Justin Van Der Volgen Dub Version) (My Rules, US) (2016) #

  • TypeScript is a waste of time - probably quite a controversial point of view, but I think some of the points raised in the article are worth considering, personally I quite like boring javascript, arrow functions meh occasionally, promises meh sometimes on the frontend, typescript meh it adds a lot of clutter with not that much in return, although I guess it probably depends on the code #

  • New Issue: nvm install crashes bash script when bash is set to exit on #

  • This made me smile a bit, and then sigh, I wonder if they had something that was as annoying and useful as email in their #

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