
2019/08/28 #

Today’s links:

  • Privacy Fundamentalism - This article makes some good points, though I’m not sure overall I completely agree with the conclusions, I think websites should self host as many javascript libraries as possible, and ultimately if a website decides to use a 3rd party service these should be listed somewhere on the site with a description of the service and what data is being sent to the 3rd party, as far as I remember I think linkblog does this but I have to check again to be 100% certain - I think there could even be improvements on that, for example per feature listings of 3rd party providers used, but eventually it does add a lot of complexity for the website #

  • Dave Chappelle under fire for discrediting Michael Jackson accusers in Netflix special - What I like about what Chapelle is saying is that when you see or hear of someone behaving in a way you dislike it’s important to ask why that might be happening, I’m not sure he’s asking the exact right question in this case but at least there is a #

  • Government expected to suspend Parliament from mid-September - I don’t get what’s going on here, and I have no idea why they mention the queens speech, doesn’t the queen always do a speech at this time? Anyway this tweet thread is quite #

  • Has Kenya's plastic bag ban worked? - I think it’s good that manufacturers are now actively looking at alternatives that are better for the #

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